Monday, March 5, 2012

You Need To.... Yeah, But How???

Artists, do you continuosly hear about what you NEED to be doing, but no one actually tells you how?? Yeah, me too. Talk about frustration! Thank goodness we are resourceful and know how to get the information we need right?  Actually, I always think it's better to know a little something about what you're seeking before you go and ask anyone...especially in this business.  Some people will try to tell you anything! lol.  Besides the more of a DIYer (do it yourself) you are, the more results you will see.  There are plenty of books and websites on whatever topic you may come across.  Need to know how to license music? Go to the bookstore or library.  You'll find plenty of books on the technicalities.  Once the rules and steps are understood, then comes the WHO?  That's the thing about the music business.  It really is relationship driven. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but knowing WHO to go to in order to get the job done is a beast of another nature.
The approach I take in getting to the WHO is to network as much as possible.  Go to music pools, conferences, release parties, showcases, open mics, wherever music folks gather.  Get to know people there.  If you're not a big talker, like me, then LISTEN.  You'd be amazed at what you learn just by paying attention.  Of course you can always make the "dry call" to a company you may have seen on the internet or found through your own research or heard of through various conversations.  If you are polite and present your questions in a non-threatening, to the point manner, who can be mad at you?  Afterall, this is business here, and businesses receive calls all the time. 
On another note, I've been keen to learn all I can about music licensing, and as I learn about it, I will share that knowledge with you.  Because this business is very competitive, most people will not be willing to share information with you for fear that you'll become competition or take their spot, or become a better artist or something. Who knows!  Afterall, knowledge IS power.  People play their hands very close because of conflicts of interests or caution of letting unscrupulous individuals within their circles or various other reasons.  So, when you do find someone who is willing to give you that much sought after inside info, value them!  Meaning pay for their services, or if you don't currently have the money, try trading services.  Whatever be the case, maintaining relationships with knowledgeable people who are willing to help/share is key!
Stay tuned as in the next post I will discuss music licensing basics...

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