Monday, March 19, 2012

Doing It All?? : A SimpleTool to Make the Grind Make Sense

Sometimes, I feel like I'm standing at the bottom of a mountain I want to climb...walking around it, circling the perimeter, figuring out how to climb.  If you stare at the top for too long, it can seem daunting and insurmountable. So, why not look at the foot? Looking at the base of this mountain and sizing it up step by step will help you wrap your mind on how to just BEGIN.  Besides, every great journey starts with just a small step, right? Right.

So, for me, the mountain is figuring out HOW the heck am I gonna get all this work I have to do done efficiently and effectively as possible? How am I going to manage traveling, and promoting, and recording new music, and performing, and consistent contact with my fans all at the same time??  Hopefully, you have a team in place that can split up all these responsibilities.  More than likely, in the beginning you won't...but no worries, where there is a will, there is a way. I know you're asking, well what's your formula Ms. Elee since you seem to have it all figured out? Lol...I wish!! I do, however, have some ideas to share on how I do manage to get a lot of things done.

My biggest suggestion: MANAGE YOUR TIME!! I cannot stress this enough. Time is your most valuable asset, and learning how to use it to your advantage is half the battle!! For starters, get yourself a good calendar.  One that you like the way it looks, it feels, the way it's laid out.  You may prefer a paper or digital calendar.  You may even choose one that has daily inspirational quotes (I do) because believe me, you're gonna be spending a lot of moments looking at, going over, revising your calendar.  Now that you have a way to keep up with your tasks, ask yourself what you need to be doing to get to the top of that mountain....well, eventually anyway.  Write down specific steps such as, how much do I need to perform per week, per month? How often do I need to record?  How often do I need to send music out?  How often do I need to blog and keep in touch with my fans? Etc... You get the idea right? Ok, now fill in your calendar with those steps.  Make sure you stay consistent and repeat those steps over and over.  A simple tool like a calendar can keep you from feeling "lost" when you're in the midst of the grind.  Be prepared to invest a lot of time, be prepared to PACE yourself, and be patient.  We are climbing a mountain afterall!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elee

    I first noticed you when Shawn ( U may know as Byrd ) sent me a song you done back in 2008 and I thought it had a catchy hook and a very ambitious video. I have been reading your blog for a while now and visit your site on occasion and if you can capture some of what you put into your blog in your songs with the right production it should be real magic so I am interested in hearing what you come up with for your new stuff.

    Since myself and my brother are old school artists( Shawn said I was the first person he saw do music on a computer ) and you are gearing up for a new release maybe you would enjoy this article I just posted on our website here

    PS: Great work on your Journal keep it up
