Monday, September 26, 2011

Marketing 101: Building An Audience

So, now that we've talked about what marketing is and its goal, how do we build and maintain an audience? An "audience" refers to those individuals that like and purchase and generally support your music or "product". SO, how do we reach them? Let's first think about avenues that are closer to home.  People that are drawn to your music are usually people that you have a lot in common with and vice versa.  Family or friends? What about classmates? Do you have their emails? You do? Great! Start there.  Build a mailing list no matter how small.  This becomes your core list.  Now that you have this list, build on it.  How to do that you say? Excellent question...
You can start by looking at all the magazines, web sites, music blogs and radio stations that you know of that play your music or music that is like yours.  Look at that target audiences.  Most magazines and radio stations will have their target audience information on their websites.  Next, figure out how you can get to that audience.  Where do they club? Where do they see live perfprmances? (Performing as much as possible is always a great to get your music out there) Where do they hang out, get their hair cut/done, cars washed, shop, etc..? Once you identify those places go to them and promote.  Be sure to include your web site on all your promo materials, CDs, posters, flyers, t shirts, lighters, etc.. Then, make sure there's a place on your website that collects information on visitors to your site.  Another way to collect more potential fan information is to rent customer information from commercial sites and radio stations and magazines that offer those services.  If you need to know of more magazines or radio stations that cater to your brand/type of music, there are lists and directories for that.  Simply do a Google search or check out some of the more elaborate options. Some are SRDS Consumer Magagzine Advertising Source, National Directory of Magazines, and Standard Periodical Directory. If your need a list of radio stations, check out Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook, Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media, or Arbitron.  Most directories can lead you to magazine or radio media-kits that give information and descriptions of their audience.  Now, these may or may not be cost effective for the independent artist, depending on budget.  These services/ publications cost and you may be better off taking a more creative grass-root approach or hiring a professional marketing company. Oh, one other thing, Google Analytics can be a very helpful tool in sizing up your potential market! 
All this information that you will surely dive into will help you size up, build and bond with your audience. So, get to building!! Lastly, once you establish contact with your audience, be consistent in communicating with them.
*FOOTNOTE: All information in this blog was obtained from "This Business of Music Marketing & Promotion" by Tad Lathrop

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